A platform developed
by women for women

I am Woman

Dream. Dare. Make it happen.

She is Mom is about every woman who wants more in her professional and personal life, who wants purpose, who has a dream, who knows there is something there for her but does not know where to start.

Many women in today’s modern workforce face a similar challenge of balancing a career with the responsibilities of parenthood, so they find themselves in a difficult situation of having to choose between family life and career.

Together we can make things happen, we can rely on each other and find solutions we thought impossible.

Alexandra Badea, Founder She is Mom

What we offer to our members

She is mom is a journey. Begin by creating an account, complete your profile, search for a mentor, discover the services
you need to get a new job or be an entrepreneur.

Job Opportunities

  • Jobs to match your profile
  • Professional reconversion
  • Re-skilling
  • Career advancement
  • Re-enter the workforce
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  • Special deals for goods and services
  • Free benefits
  • Wide selection of services
  • Lots of discounts
  • All you need, closer to you
Claim a benefit >>

Entrepreneur’s Corner

  • Dedicated advisory
  • Legal and financial resources
  • Promotion opportunities
  • Networking events
  • Test your first project
Start your business with us >>

We propose an educational platform that offers custom mentorship programs, training, courses, and applied advisory services provided by our team of highly qualified experts/consultants in all related fields: human resources, business development, marketing & sales, legal, financial investments & accounting, personal development, parenting courses, medical assistance, entertainment & relaxation.

Experienced mentors, consultants and experts joined She is Mom to meet YOU!

Ready to join the community of successful women?

Become a member

For more details about the registration process and the services we offer, check our FAQ section


She is Mom supports all mothers to get ready for every challenge

Motherhood brings a new perspective to your career. Your priorities change, and you are now facing the challenge of keeping a fair work-life balance. You wish to fulfill both personal and professional aspirations.

When you decide to return to work after an extended period, you will face a new situation and realize you need to make changes and adjustments. You have to reorganize family life and adapt to the new conditions at the job. You may look for professional reconversion, flexible hours, and guidance on finding new opportunities that fit your current availability.

for moms
for women


She is Mom brings expertise and resources for you to succeed!

You built your career step-by-step, and you feel you are stuck with the routine and see no perspective to grow. You re-evaluate your potential, and your current job is not rewarding enough. You are ready to invest in your professional development, improve your skills and approach a new job opportunity.

You discovered a domain you like and want to transform your passion into a job. You are considering starting your own business. But you do not know where to start, whom to talk to. You feel the need to get oriented and advised on how to carry out your plan.

They are our happy members who share their experience with the platform:

We are happy to meet
you and hear your story.

Join us today