Loredana Iacob

Loredana Iacob

Coaching I Personal Development I Parenting Specialist
Dream Sonic SRL
Human Resources Consulting / Freelancing / Entrepreneur Lifestyle / Coaching / Personal development Psychology / Psychotherapy Research / Science / Medical / Health Sciences


  • Introductory call: 30minutes FREE
  • Session: 300RON / one hour

"My job is to teach people how to be themselves… my work starts with me" is the motto by which I guide my personal and professional activity. I am passionate about my work, but how else could I be in an activity that is exclusively about people? What do I do more precisely? I help people like you are, to transit a certain phase in their lives, such as the transition from one job to another, from one role to another, or from one personal or professional status to another. Regardless of the change in our lives, the transition involves a process, and my role is to accompany you on this journey of personal development to your goal!” - Transformational Life Coach

Personal development advisor, Family Coaching, Parenting advisor, Mentoring

Who am I?! Do you know that this is the most challenging question I have to answer? 😊
To this question, I would most often answer you by name. In one context, I would tell you what my job is, in another what my status is or what my passions are.
None of this reflects who I am, but it represents a part of me that I identify with at that time or in that circumstance.
We often get stuck in one of the subpersonalities, so we end up refusing access to other parts of us that are perhaps more creative, funnier, stronger!
Today I tell you that I am Loredana, the mother of a teenager who teaches me every day how to be a better mother. I have been the wife of my life partner for over 25 years. I am a person who seeks to obtain happiness from small emotions, sensations, and experiences. I am a person who seeks and more and more often finds ways to grow, develop, to learn new things. I adopted all these things in my new lifestyle only after I learned to live in the present. This concept of mindfulness has taught me that it cannot change the past, accept it, learn from past experiences and move on enjoying the present!
The truth is that this is my IKIGAI; I seek the balance between past, present, and future to feel fulfilled. And not only to feel fulfilled but also to help others achieve their goals using their talent and strengths that they are not yet aware of.

I could not say that there was a precise moment. As a child, I dreamed of becoming a lawyer, but things did not go in that direction for various reasons. I can't even say that I had a clear strategy to follow for my professional life. Somehow things have evolved in a direction in which I am trying to value my strengths and feel good about what I do, even if not conscious. I am the kind of person for whom the work environment is an essential one, and I place great value on the relationships I establish with my partners or co-workers. It is why, when I consider that the environment in which I work is no longer one in which I feel valued or in which I feel stuck in my growth process, I prefer to make a change.
I made some important changes in my career, going from the public to the private system, from the small company to the corporation, from the status of an employee to that of an entrepreneur. What I learned from each experience is that the transition from to is a process. You must have energy and patience. I have learned that "hurry spoils the job most of the time," and not asking for help is not a virtue but an obstacle in smoothly moving towards your goals.
My professional life has been from the beginning. Until now, being in contact with people, I have an innate curiosity that has helped me discover things from several perspectives and present them to those I interact with. I love what I do, and I am happy to help someone overcome a transition period or a blockage. After all, it's a win-win process. Our customers and we grow together!

The birth of my little girl changed my whole Universe! I discovered that values ​​such as "family" gained another importance with the role of mother. Indeed, I did not always manage very well the time allocated to professional activity. I struggled for a long time with guilt that I did not spend enough time with it, but after each stage, I learned something, and I can say that we grew and developed together.

"Balance," this abstract concept nowadays, can be transformed into a clear objective in which you have concrete steps, stages of realization, and a well-defined interval in which the dream becomes a reality!
It's a process, and it doesn't happen overnight or by itself. You must WANT to change your life, to ACCEPT that evolution comes with leaving the comfort zone and to ACT towards a new mindset, towards a new way of thinking and relating to work!
What is happening now is no longer an option. We have to deal with a new approach to work, namely at home, which requires minimal direct interaction with other colleagues or beneficiaries of our work and forces us to manage everything like a doll, including the emotional aspects of this new approach to professional life.
In this situation, they can handle all those threads in the role of a puppet unless we have a very high level of awareness of what we live and feel. And how else can we have this level of understanding than having a permanent concern for self-knowledge?
Honestly, I don't know if there is a natural balance. Instead, I see that it is essential to set our limits to feel that the choices are ours.

An honor and a great responsibility! We can read dozens of books, learn for years, but nothing compares to the power of example. What I learned from my mentors was defining my career and life. I want to develop a mentoring culture in Romania as well, to learn to offer from our knowledge and experiences to those who are at the beginning of the road, to those who are at the crossroads or simply to those who want to grow up with a mentor/coach to bring them closer to their goals/dreams.

Abraham Maslow says, "Either you move forward toward development, or backward toward safety!" I have always chosen to step forward and encourage you to have the courage to discover your potential, build your dream, have confidence in yourself, and if you are in a moment when you feel that you need a helping hand. , receive mine.