Nicoleta Griciuc

It's the job you've been dreaming of for a long time. Are you ready to take the interview?

It's not the first time you go to an interview, but it seems like this job suits you like a glove. And so, the pressure increases. You would like not only to make a good impression but also to be the one the company chooses. The Internet is full of advice, certainly, some are good, but some…not so much.

You revised your resume a few times by now, you rewrote the letter of intent and checked that each comma is where it should be. You got lucky and were called for an interview. What now?

As jobs are different, so are the hiring companies and there is no such thing as a universal recipe for winning the trust of every CEO out there. But here are some tips & tricks that can help you fulfil your dream.


Be prepared for any type of interview

Some companies prefer multi-stage interviews to get to know candidates better. So, the interview can be face-to-face (the old fashioned way), by telephone (easy for the companies and it is used generally to filter a large number of candidates) or video (Skype, Facetime, Google Hangouts, etc).

If you are called, make sure you can concentrate, that you have a signal on the phone or a good internet connection. Be sure you are not interrupted by the kids, the husband, or anybody else.

Do some research about the company

Even if you really are the right person for the job, if you are not prepared for the interview the entire meeting can go down really quickly. So, do your homework regarding the company, the CEO, and the number of employees, about the history and their main projects. Of course, nobody will judge you if you do not know this stuff but it can be the detail that will help you be a step ahead of your competition. You can check their LinkedIn page to get to know them better and, of course, make a stop on their website.

Make a very good first impression

Arriving late is not an option when you go to an interview so you must set your alarm properly and arrive on time at the meeting. If you are late, you can lose your positive attitude and you can also make a bad first impression.

Needless to say that your appearance must be appropriate (so no wrinkles on that dress) and clean hair and make-up will do the job. If you are not sure what you can wear you can check the team on their Facebook page (if they have one) and maybe they will have some photos from the office and you can make an idea about the entire atmosphere and the people that work for the company.

Focus on how you can contribute to the company

You have to think about the experience gained so far as if this were a treasure for you. Why? Because you can highlight, based on the jobs and responsibilities you had in the past, what you can do for the new employer. Ask what challenges the company is facing and make a realistic list of how you can help.

Answer the question correctly: "Why did you leave your former job"

There are situations in which you are looking for a job while you already have one but which is no longer a challenge for you. Or you didn't last long at the previous one. Well, the question mentioned above will come. Keep a positive note, briefly mention the reasons why you left or would like to leave and focus on this opportunity.

Don't forget the list of questions at home

Although you are the person that is being interviewed it is a great addition for you if you ask questions about the company, about the work environment, chances of advancement, opportunities, and more. Make a list of what would interest you and what matters to you. Also, you need to be prepared for the fact that not all employers are very friendly, so you should keep your self-control and not look intimidated.

Good luck!