Sabrina Ioana Stoica

Sabrina Ioana Stoica

Doctor of Obstetrics and Gynecology
Medical / Health Sciences Research / Science / Medical / Health Sciences


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Who is Stoica Sabrina Ioana, and what does she do?
I am a mother, wife, doctor, perfect friend to the patients who address the specialty obstetrics-gynecology that I chose as a profession.

About the way, I combine medicine with the position of International Relations Manager, has an explanation: "It is good to cover as many territories as possible to understand better the world in which we live, to explore as deeply as possible the Universe of life in which we manifest ourselves to build the data a humanity cultivated for excellence."

I started as a doctor at the Filantropia Hospital during my professional training obtaining the following competencies:
- competency in obstetric and gynecological ultrasonography;
- competency in Gynecological and Oncological Surgery;

At this moment, I am a "Ph.D. II Year student at the Carol University of Medicine and Pharmacy Davila" in the medical oncology specialty.

Among the values ​​that I am guided by, fairness occupies an important place because it replaces common sense. It is a synthetic decalogue that, through the power of its simplicity, ensures us a climate and an airy living atmosphere between us participants in the game of life.

I am glad to be part of this community, and I want to join you through what I am. I communicate easily and for everyone to understand, explain and answer in detail any question, and tell patients that I'm warm, empathetic, and full of humor.

I offer mentoring and consultations for women who want to become mothers, pregnancy preparation and natural fertility stimulation.

You can find Mrs. Dr. Stoica Sabrina Ioana at the Ais Clinics & Hospital, where she consults in contract with The National Health Insurance House (CNAS); all you need is a referral ticket from the family doctor. But you can also find her at the Grivita MedLife clinic.

Obstetrics and Gynecology Specialist, Consultant, Mentor