Daniela Dobrai-Palamari

Daniela Dobrai-Palamari

Entrepreneur, Economist
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Brasov
Sales & Business Development Consulting / Freelancing / Entrepreneur


Doing things differently, alternative and creative thinking, as well as innovation are some of the skills that represent me. The past 13 years as an entrepreneur in the field of education gave me the strength and the belief that nothing is too hard or impossible to reach. I am ready to support women and moms who want to develop a business in education by using non-formal education methods.
I created myself a Do It Yourself Academy whose aim is to implement vocational clubs in schools of Romania addressed to 12-18 years old students by using working kits. We are looking for partners, freelancers, and people who want to bring added value to education in schools.
Nevertheless, my corporate social responsibility field skills determined me to build educational programs that allow students to find the right way in their careers.
I also implemented Creative Hub in the frame of the Chamber of Commerce of Brasov. Here, all creative entrepreneurs can be promoted during a summertime program.

I have graduated as an Economist at the Faculty of European Studies at Babes Bolyai. Through a scholarship, I have also graduated University of Osnabrueck/Management and the Faculty of Sociology.
Coming from a family with an entrepreneurial background, I always found myself interested in practicing my ideas. Starting with a bit of practice at my parents' business - a fitness center, I continued as an entrepreneur for creating a children's creative activity corner in a mall of Brașov (Selgros). Luckily some DIY shops in Brasov were interested in this idea, so I started developing workshops for children in Baumax and Hornbach in the past 10 years. It was an excellent opportunity to familiarise myself with these shops' products and materials, meet people, great parents, and children that motivate me to stay in this field.
Together with Bosch Romania, we developed DIY workshops in Bucharest and Brasov - Atelier Bricolaj Dremel schools.
I wanted to bring these workshops to the next level, so by having the support of some big companies and organizations (Chamber of Commerce in Brasov), I start developing vocational clubs in the schools of Romania. My everyday challenge is using those DIY materials for creating non-formal education kits to represent different industries and professional activities. Ready to jump in on this kind of challenge? I am here for you!
Also, if you are interested in the activities that we develop, we are looking forward for partners, freelancers, volunteers..
For sure, loving your job is the supreme motivation to be determined every day, making a step day by day to reach your dream, finding suitable partners, always ready to learn something new, and give a helping hand are some of my beliefs of having a successful business or career.
Last but not least, all women have superpowers! What is yours:)?

Entrepreneur, Business Development, Social Responsibility

First of all, Daniela is the daughter of two wonderful parents who inspired her from early childhood to the present. I was inspired by their determination, courage, affection, compelling way of being, alternative thinking, creative personality, the joy of life, and belief. It is what created part of myself today.
Grandparents are also the solid rocks of my personality, which showed me that simplicity could be a person's most significant treasure. They are also my model of generosity.
For the past 13 years, my day-to-day training has been dictated by my 3 wonderful children, for whom I try to become the best version of myself every day.
My best fans and the greatest supporters are to be found first in my family.
The business that I develop makes a difference in the children’s life. I created vocational clubs using DIY working kits, which means a very complex field of activity. I worked with companies from Brasov and determined them to be partners in the children's education, especially those coming from the countryside. It is challenging working in this activity, but it certainly brings a lot of joy and fulfillment.
To conclude, Daniela is the sum of all the persons, experiences that came into her life and made her the authentic person of today. I am very thankful for that!

It was a long way. My work can be compared to a giant puzzle, a big wild forest, where you can easily get lost. Due to the fact that I had a lot of complex projects, most of them linked to DIY (do it yourself) activities, I had to find a common point to all these. Finally, I concluded children, education, practical projects linked to different professions and companies drove me on the real path. Putting all the pieces together, looking for a partner with a good influence in the community brought me to the idea of Vocational Clubs and Self Development in schools of the countryside in the Brasov area.

The business that we created is inspired totally by them. I also considered this business my “little child” who grew up with Ilinca, Mihnea, and Gruia. Today, I’m proud that my children are also my partners, my colleagues (since I work from home most of the time:) They also prepare the workshops and materials for schools and sometimes assist me in implementing the activity. I hope this is also a valuable experience for them in the future.

Be aware of when to have a break, enjoy the time spent with family. We set the limits in favor of the family.

Being a mentor is sharing your experience in order to help others reach their dreams, targets. Letting them know that one day they can be mentors for others, too.

Be your best version every day, believe, and never give up.