Magda Dorobanţu

Magda Dorobanţu

Certified coach and Catalyst
Oyako, Freelancer
Lifestyle / Coaching / Personal development


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Certified coach and catalyst for personal and professional fulfilment

Does this sound like YOU?
You want to (re)start your professional life after motherhood, and you found out it’s tougher that you’d like for you.
You feel like a part of your brain has vanished away during the maternity leave, so you feel overwhelm and lack of confidence.
Maybe you are frustrated because the job you used to do before motherhood feels more like burden than a joy and you no longer see its meaning and purpose.

I accompany you in reinventing your professional life after motherhood
I have been an expert in fixing other people’s problems my entire life.
As the oldest sister I was made responsible for my sister and brother’s errors all the time, so I started solving them.
As professional, for the past decade I crafted custom made banking solutions for some of the largest corporations in Romania.
I continue to be a catalyst for solutions for my clients, who want personal and professional fulfilment.
I am recognized for my ability to see things that others don’t and for saying it out loud, even when it’s uncomfortable.
And I regularly see smart, talented women make 3 mistakes when they prepare to restart the job after maternity:
-The first is that they think and act as if they haven’t done anything valuable over the past (couple of) year(s), instead of seeing the ways they have grown.
-The second is that they buy into what others say they should do, instead of trusting themselves and uncovering what they want to do.
-And the third... I've discovered that the third challenge is always HIGHLY personalized. I'd need to sit down with you and ask a few more questions to find out what that third issue might be for YOU.

Navigating together…
If you know there must be a way to reconcile the motherhood and your professional life and you want to find it, then you and I should have a conversation. 
If you want meaning and personal and professional fulfilment, then you and I should have a conversation. 
If you want to return to the professional life, with confidence despite motherhood and maternity, then you and I should have a conversation. 

Thoughts from people I worked with:

"Before working with Magda I was struggling to find the trust in me to do things I dreamed of. Like having the courage to go to a TV show or having a Facebook or blog page to write my feelings, my thoughts, my vision about life and the universe or hosting an event. I had struggles finding my own voice, and understanding why I can not set healthy boundaries. I was also trying to change the external world and to change others instead of working on myself.
Now my life is more in flow. Now I am more relaxed and in pace with my dark side… I know every external conflict is actual an internal one, so I accept more and more everything the way it is. I am focusing more on myself"

"I found coaching with Magda incredibly helpful.
I worked through some challenges with a commitment to my self-care. In the past, I have been very good at my commitments related to other people but when it came to self-care I could not manage to keep my commitment on a consistent bases.
Through the coaching with Magda I managed to overcome this and I’m am pleased to say that for the past month I was able to exercise every single day and meditate twice a day. This feels like a major breakthrough for me"

"I met Magda at the beginning of 2019 when she started to accompany me, with discretion and patience, in my journey to order the avalanche of events, ideas, hesitations and intentions, giving me the space so necessary to bring to light the essentials and act with confidence.
Relentless in seeking new tool and methods to fulfill her mission, with a comforting sense of humor, rigorous in approach without restricting the process of exploration, Magda manages to create the revealing context of the purpose urging to action."

Finding fulfillment at work and at home

I have an open heart and a big mouth, and I have always been committed to seeing possibility when others only see impossibility. I understand at a deep level that overcoming obstacles in life is the way to progress and growth. Both proved very useful in motherhood—which was more like a marathon in the desert with no shoes or water rather than the blissful journey I envisaged. But I pressed forward, and I now have two amazing (if sometimes infuriating) daughters.
These days I am mom, I am a wife and I am professional coach and catalyst for clients looking to hear the truth, discover the impossible, and find fulfillment at work, at home and everywhere in between.

Uncovering myself to me and to the world is a process, a journey that I take on every day. A turning point in where I am today was motherhood and defining who I want to be as a mom.
I am driven by enthusiasm and a great passion for the impact our way of thinking has on what we do and I strongly believe that “There is always room to bloom,”

I am a mom. I am more than a mom and I want an identity beyond motherhood. I am still ambitious and I am still tenacious. Instead of only telling my little ladies how to live, I am striving to model a life for them, a life where I take care of their needs, while I take care of me and my needs.

Life balance is about being present, in the moment and about the quality (not quantity) of time I spent in the different roles I have.

Mentorship within SiM overlaps with me being a professional coach and is about enabling people to create a compelling life vision, commit to themselves and uncover their power to live a fulfilling life.

You are enough.
You are powerful.
Uncover your power.