How to "I am Company" profile

Your She is mom profile is a landing page for you to let people know who the company you represent is, what it does, and what are your needs are.

Your She is mom profile will be visible only for the community members you will directly interact with: the professionals matching with your open positions, the mentors you are going to work with, and the benefits you will choose for your employees.

A representative of the company will create the account and complete the profile.

So let's start.

  • Go to and click Login
  • Enter your email address & password
  • Click on your name in the top right corner
  • Select Edit "I am company" profile

Your profile must be written in English.

What "I want my profile published" means:


  • Your profile is complete, and ready to be validated.
  • After validation, your profile will be matched.


  • You may deactivate your profile if you want.
  • Your profile will be saved but not active. You may reactivate your profile anytime.

You can review/edit your profile at any time. Any changes made will be active only after validation by our staff.

Please see the info below to discover how to complete the profile.

Company Name: the name of the company you represent

Change Company Logo: Add the name of your company

Company Representative Name: Add the name of the person who will represent your company in relation to She is mom

Tax No / VAT No: the company’s unique registration code

Social Media platform link: you can select the platform and input the link

To add another platform, Click Save changes (on the left part of the page)

Click: Next on the right part of the page and go to the next category

Video presentation link: a 2-minutes video presentation about the company you represent (it is recommended, it is not mandatory)

About: a description of your company. It is not limited by words or characters.

Website: a website link for your company

Industry: choose the industry of your company

Company Size: select an option from the list

Company type: select an option from the list

Click: Next to continue to the next category

Email: the representative email address

Phone Number: the representative phone number

Address: address of the company

City: ex. Bucharest, Prague, etc

Country: ex. Romania, Germany, United Kingdom

Click: Next to continue to the next category

List the information about the open positions in your company

Position Name: ex. Marketing Manager, Accountant, Java Developer

Job Description: list the responsibilities and requirements of the job

Role type: select an option from the list

Location: select an option from the list

Domain: select an option from the list

Seniority: select an option from the list

Technical Skills: list a number of technical skills that are a must for the job; ex. Microsoft Office, Google Add, Charisma, ERP

Foreign Languages: select one or more options from the list

Hours/week: the number of hours an employer or consultant needs to complete in a week

Estimated salary: a number representing the salary offered

Currency: select an option from the list

To add another position, Click Save changes (on the left part of the page)

Click: Next on the right part of the page and go to the next category

Expertise: What you need from a mentor

Domain: select an option from the list

Details: write more information about what you need

To add another, Click Save changes (on the left part of the page)

Click: Next on the right part of the page and go to the next category

Details: what your company needs

Category: select an option from the list

To add another position, Click Save changes (on the left part of the page)

Click: Next on the right part of the page and go to the next category

Somebody writes a review on your page, you can see it here.

You have to verify and approve it.

The admin will review it too and activate it

Click: Next to continue to the next category

Wrote an article or plan on writing an article whose subject is of interest for the She is Mom community, send it to and it will be published on the website, in the News Section

After creating your profile, it will inactive.

First, a She is Mom representative will review and validate it.