Mama's Village

Mama's Village

10% Discount off the full price of my signature coaching program "Mama Struggle Transformed". Use code SHEISMOM
Coaching / Personal development

Products / Services

  • Mama Struggle Transformed
  • The 5 Ways "Just Winging It" is Secretly Making You Feel Like a Failure (and What to Do About It!)

Welcome to Mama’s Village! If you’ve found your way here, chances are you’re seeking support and connection in navigating the journey of motherhood – whether it’s grappling with the new responsibilities of parenthood, balancing the roles of mama and partner, or simply feeling overwhelmed and restless in your current stage of life.

I help overwhelmed mamas to reclaim their sense of harmony and fulfillment and discover the joy of living authentically and purposefully – without the constant worry of feeling inadequate or the fear of never finding their true path.

Mama Struggle Transformed
Mama Struggle Transformed
  • 575EUR
  • Feeling lost in motherhood? You're not alone. My coaching helps you break free & find joy!
The 5 Ways "Just Winging It" is Secretly Making You Feel Like a Failure (and What to Do About It!)
The 5 Ways "Just Winging It" is Secretly Making You Feel Like a Failure (and What to Do About It!)
  • 0EUR
  • Free Training! Unlock Joy, Silence Doubt & Design Your Dream Mama Life