Irina-Ioana Gross

Irina-Ioana Gross

HR Development Expert, Clinical Psychologist
Human Resources Lifestyle / Coaching / Personal development Psychology / Psychotherapy


  • Introductory call: 30minutes FREE
  • Session: 150RON / one hour

I am a Soul, discovering life in my own evolutional journey . I am a Mother of 2 smart girls, from whom I learn every day about priorities, values, and endless love. I am a Guide, for all women who seek to be themselves, within inner peace, love and personal well-being.
I am a life-long Learner.

Let's have a talk to find out what you need and how may I help you.
My gift for you: 50% discount for our first 2 full sessions.
We can make magic, Together!

With kindness and gratitude,

Discover your potential
Boost your self-esteem
Heal from anxiety and even depression
Embrace your true Self
Express gratitude

Mother of 2, psychologist, mindfulness teacher and enthusiastic HR Development Expert, with 20 years experience in the banking field. I am here to empower women, to support them in healing from worries and insecurities, in order to find inner peace and personal well-being. I also guide women in their career path within the banking field, practicing vocational counselling.

When my second daughter was born, I had a vulnerable time in finding myself. I was exhausted and felt so overwhelmed with responsabilities. I realized that I had to be OK on the inside in order to be OK with the world, especially with the ones I cared about. Magic is an inside job... So, 7 years ago, I've started my personal healing journey and, step by step, I've learned how to balance my emotions, thoughts and behavior, to trust my own rhythm and to express gratitude.
Since 2020, I am supporting other women to change their perspective on life and be mindful of their own unique personal gifts.

In a good way, because I realized the importance of time and I learned how to prioritize

To be present and mindful in every role I have during the day.

Being a Mentor is my religion. It is my way to contribute to a better world.

You cannot pour from an empty cup.
You are never too old and It's never too late!